What are Callout Extensions in Google Ads?

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Callout extensions are a feature in Google Ads that can help advertisers promote specific features or benefits of their products or services. Additional lines of text can be added to a standard Google Ads text ad, appearing just below the primary ad copy.

Callouts can draw attention to important aspects of your business, such as free shipping, discounts, or other unique selling points. They can also be used to provide additional information that might not fit in the primary ad copy, such as customer support hours or accepted payment methods.

Google Ads

One of the critical benefits of callout extensions is that they can help make your ad more informative and compelling to potential customers. By highlighting specific features or benefits, you can give potential customers a reason to click on your ad and learn more about your business.

Another benefit of callout extensions is that they take up more real estate on the search results page, making your ad stand out. This increased visibility can help drive more clicks and conversions, as potential customers are more likely to notice your ad when it appears more significant and prominent.

To create callout extensions in Google Ads, navigate to the “Ads & extensions” tab and select “Callout extensions” from the dropdown menu. From there, you can create new callouts, customize their text and appearance, and add them to your campaigns.

Callout extensions are a valuable tool for advertisers looking to make their Google Ads campaigns more effective. By highlighting specific features and benefits, you can make your ad more informative and compelling while standing out from the competition and driving more clicks and conversions.

Learn About: Get up to $150 google ads credit: Unlock Huge Savings with Our Comprehensive Guide to Google Ads.

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